Saturday, August 16, 2014



You will need..*sea salt or coffie grounds or sugar* any type of natural oil*small bath towel and your hands*WHAT TO DOIn a small container add as much sea salt -coffie grounds-or cane sugar in the container as much as you think you will need or add all of them, you can also add lavandar oils, rosemary oils tea tree oil, what ever you would like. After you add your chosen ingredient, pour in your choice of natural oils stir it together, you want it to be a very rough texture. Once your done with that find an area to sit down, ( Put an old towel down because it will get messy,) Pour your mixture into your rag or hands and start firmly rubbing it into your feet for a good 5-10 minutes its your choice how long, it will rid you of dry skin, and after dedication will remove cracks and hard worn out feet.... if you add tea tree oil it will kill different tpyes of foot fungus


Zinc oxide found in diaper rash creams.... I bought one that was for babies it can be found in the baby section.... mine has 25g zinc oxide and excipiente 100g...... no patrolium jelly.... anyway if you scrub your face with a sponge in the shower or with baking soda..... dry off then rub some on acne old red spots go to sleep there gone by morning if older .....and around 2 days for fresh spots... it works great on ruptured breakouts...heals them asap..... it also heals scarring on the face too!! Make sure it does not have vaseline in it because vaseline is bad for the skin and in acne suffers will increase break outs!


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