Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Exercise and fitness secrets

Exercise and fitness secrets

Usually people who start exercise programs to follow are passionate and rinse themselves physically very active .the exercise will be totally contrite . exercise physiology , an expert says James M. rip cars new workout should follow a few guidelines which only he can stay fit and exercise program you can also continue on a permanent basis . These guidelines are not only rational but also recommends research .

Get doctor 's consent

I recently started exercising or have taken a long time the routine is good in both cases, the doctor will make regular inspections . Slow and it is important for people who stay at any time of any exercise full supervision Please let your doctor before starting so you have a valid issue, the doctor and the appropriate precautions and exercise intensity to determine the period .

Turn your body before exercise

Of any kind properly warm up before exercising the body must warm up . Physical flexibility is equally important to health as exercise that aerobook and nutritious . Most aerobook exercises all the muscles of the body are not born , thus resulting in flexibility and strengthening exercises may Unbalanced the probability of physical harm and discomfort is created . Therefore, at least five minutes before exercise movements flexibility and snacks romp through the body from head to toe all the muscles up and hot ( warm- up) should be .

Similarly, let loose the body after exercise and exercise must gradually decrease . After exercise , when body temperature is lower then the body after exercise , muscle strengthening and muscle strength in attracting potential harm comes to the future can be saved . Normal exercitationis steps decrement should be determined by the exercise at the end should make physical activity decreased gradually returns to normal heart and other Traditional Witches easier .

Moderation is wisdom

Duration and intensity of exercise should be in moderation . During exercise, your body deserves a break . Continuous and prolonged exercise can do more harm than good . Required to gain a better position to protect themselves from overwhelming fatigue that is attachable exercise will leave one day .

Do not exercise so much that you become completely breath and exhausted . After exercise " can discuss " The test is a good measure of whether or not you exercise with moderation . After a moderate workout you should be able to readily tell you that it is not necessary to be able to speak fluently . Participating in competitions burn more calories exercising but it may be useful and necessary for the rape muscle spasm , shoulder pain , swelling in the legs , to the elbows could face extraordinary stress and back pain . During exercise if you feel any pain or discomfort , reduce or eliminate exercise , but it should be considered a very natural thing spasm and pain .

Moderate exercise is also important to keep an eye on the speed of the heart . It benefits you can imagine the intensity of your exercise . By pulse count rate in every ten seconds and multiply that number by six to get the number of beats in a minute . Budding i.e if you 're new to exercise , then the exercise at the beginning heart of the maximum speed up to 60 percent . Then you can gradually 70 to 85 percent .

If you want to reduce body weight from 30 minutes to an hour workout speed heart rate maximum should be increased from 50 to 70 percent more calories can be burned .

Appropriate clothing for exercise

In warm weather , choose a dress in which you can enter the air easily . Exercise such garments that help to adjust to the environment . In cold weather, wear clothes that you wear such a dress, top off as needed or can wear more . Exercise is also important to choose appropriate shoes because your feet in any type of exercise is very basic role .

Please arrange suitable diet

During exercise program is not wise to neglect their eating habits . Many people mix in plenty protien ( complex carbohydrates ) do not use the exercises are very important for investors , however, should be careful in the use of fat daily . protien fat calories than the same amount has doubled . Such a reduction in saturated fat also prevents cholesterol .

For good health, exercise ( jogging , cycling , etc. ) as well as adequate food , lots of rest , the body soft and loose left over water use are very important . Moreover bad habits like taking up smoking and without bsyar good health and fitness can not be achieved .


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