Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips Pimple, Acne, Scars, Finelines, Dark Circle, Freckles, Open Pores, Elbows, Knees, Nail, Fair Color, Skin Glowing, Blackhead, Whitehead, Dandruff, Hair Fall,

Skin care, Wax, Facials, Skin Polish, Skin tips,

Oily Skin Care, Dry Skin care, Normal Skin Care, Sensitive Skin Care, Combination Skin Care, Face Whitening, Facials, Skin polishes type, Hot Wax, Normal Wax,Face Mask,Manicure, Pedicure,

Hair Care

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All about health and fitness.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

How to Reduce Double Chin

Saturday, August 16, 2014


you gotta burn it of to get the burn off ... use baking soda and lime... scrub it with that then let it sit. when it drys was it off it will begin to peel off the tissue you wont really see it happening though .. then you need to scrub it with a corse sponge. after apply lotion over the lotion then you apply ORGANIC coco nut oil it should become inflamed and irritated for a couple of days then it will go down the more you do the remedy works the same for stretch mark scars :) also a derma roller works wonders. for questions ask about the derma roller.

Body Care, Hair Care

Things to not live with out... raw honey, extra virgin olive oil in the dark glass bottle, organic coconut oil, baking soda, cinnamon, green peppers, garlic, apple cyder vinigar, and water.... these ingredients are the key. They will solve any hair problem. They will solve skin problems, stretch marks, scars, the list is forever...the key is which one to use, how much to add and where to use it. I base my entire remedies guide with these ingredients. Of corse I add a few in here and there but these are the main god send. These ingredients can change your life. Never go with out them. Most of you probably have these lil miracles right in your kitchen.

Dermatitis, eczema and skin Problems

Dermatitis, eczema. .. the incurable skin disease. .. I have chronic eczema... well I did.. I had it so bad my skin started falling off, I was always so itchy I'd have to put winter gloves on so I wouldn't scratch my skin off..even when I was asleep. .. 3 years went by with this... I lost all the skin on my inner legs, my wrists my lower back my skin was killing me and weaping ALOT of liquid, it hurt and was so itchy . I'd been to every doctor all the dermatologists they'd pr...escribe me, creams, pills, steroids, everything under the sun.. nothing worked... my meat of my body was showing it was so bad. Which is when I began studying remedies. To control and cure dermatitis and eczema. . You can not take long hot showers or baths. Do not use soap it will dry out your skin. And when you do use soap, Use only a little. Don't let your shampoo touch your body. Immidently after the shower you MUST seal your skin closed so it doesn't let any moisture out of the skin. So you have to put a good vitamin packed lotion on and add a tbs of olive oil to your lotion .....put it on (while you are still damp) all over your body every single time you shower and for the first couple months of doing this every morning also... sealing the skin closed is very important like I said you must be damp while you apply a good lotion from neck down. People like me have very very dry skin. .... fininally I cured myself for 5 years now I have been free of eczema. And dermatitis. My skin is clear . I still use my lotion to this day, Plus even if you cure your eczema the lotion keeps your body younger longer.... Eczema is hard to live with but you can control it 100 percent

Water for Hair and Skin

The only single thing in this world that can moisturize hair and skin is water. If you are applying oil to dry hair after your shower or applying lotion to your body after the shower or even in the day the benefits is little to nothing. Oils act as SEALERS only so what's happening when you apply them to dry hair or skin is your actually sealing the good out. And the problem persists once again...... Very few oils can penetrate through the hair or skin due to their molecule structures, the molecules are just to big... only olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, can deeply penetrate. There are few more but my findings are those are the best beneficial natural oils. So remember water first! Apply while still damp!


If you want long hair don't cut it off. Do search and destroy it takes longer but it's worth it.. if you want long hair. All you do it in strands take your hair and slide it through the pointer finger and over the middle finger while sliding it cut all the little hairs that stick up. Cut no more then 1 centimeter. .Flip the hair around to the other sides to repeat cutting of the splits under neith repeat this process through your entire hair starting at the neck line down.... . Avoid 2 inches above the ends. Once you are finished cut 1 centimeter off the ends only! If you do not know what a centimeter is .... it is only as long as this line. ------- that little line I wrote is one centimeter. .. you do not have to cut your hair more then th at much.... search and destroy can be done when ever you feel you need it. I do it every 3 month's and if I do not need a trim at the very ends I do not do one. .. usually I just trim the ends every 6 month's.



You will need..*sea salt or coffie grounds or sugar* any type of natural oil*small bath towel and your hands*WHAT TO DOIn a small container add as much sea salt -coffie grounds-or cane sugar in the container as much as you think you will need or add all of them, you can also add lavandar oils, rosemary oils tea tree oil, what ever you would like. After you add your chosen ingredient, pour in your choice of natural oils stir it together, you want it to be a very rough texture. Once your done with that find an area to sit down, ( Put an old towel down because it will get messy,) Pour your mixture into your rag or hands and start firmly rubbing it into your feet for a good 5-10 minutes its your choice how long, it will rid you of dry skin, and after dedication will remove cracks and hard worn out feet.... if you add tea tree oil it will kill different tpyes of foot fungus


Zinc oxide found in diaper rash creams.... I bought one that was for babies it can be found in the baby section.... mine has 25g zinc oxide and excipiente 100g...... no patrolium jelly.... anyway if you scrub your face with a sponge in the shower or with baking soda..... dry off then rub some on acne old red spots go to sleep there gone by morning if older .....and around 2 days for fresh spots... it works great on ruptured breakouts...heals them asap..... it also heals scarring on the face too!! Make sure it does not have vaseline in it because vaseline is bad for the skin and in acne suffers will increase break outs!



Baking soda~ olive oil~ or coconut oil remedy for younger feeling, and looking skin..

~~ note: never use soap on your face!! do not let it touch your face ever, it is bad!!!..

You will need baking soda that is coarse, the one you put in your fridge to absorb bad smells is fine. It CAN NOT be baking powder. Each night before bed while in the shower pour the baking soda into your hand and rub it firmly on your face, neck behind ears and chest, avoiding eyes and your lips. Scrub for 4-5 minutes or less, when you wash it off it will burn and tingle, that is how you know you did it right. You will be getting off all the layers dead skin, allowing your pours to open, fine lines and deep wrinkles will began fading day by day. This will also increase blood flow, which increases elasticity in the skin, making it tighter and younger.... when you scrub with the baking soda look at your used powder it will be dirty brownish looking from all your dead skin! lol, ok....


Immediately after the shower rub organic raw coco nut oil or extra virgin olive oil in a green glass bottle onto your face with either a cotton swab, make up cleaning pads ( my prefrence) or a paper towel (for dudes).... this will clean off anything you missed in the shower.

Clean your eyes, lips entire face, neck and chest, then wipe it off one more time check your cotten swab pad or paper towel to see if it is free of dirt..... after this if it's free of dirt finally, just add a thick layer of organic raw coco nut oil or extra virgin olive oil in a green glass bottle onto your face lighter on the eye areas because it will give you eye burgers if you put too much lol!!! then go to sleep...


Doing this everyday will continue to rid you of dead skin making your face realize it needs to keep up with the damage and micro cuts and produce new cells each night while you sleep. This will also rid you of break outs for many people... you have to restore the Ph BALANCE with a natural oil, or your skin will go through some major pealing just like a mini facial peal which i will teach you how to do later on......




Ingrediants needed

(lime/ lemon

(baking soda,



What your going to need to do is make a paste.

*In a cereal bowl add a good amount of your baking soda.

* Add in two limes or one whole lemon juice.

* Add tap water or distilled water mix them all together and make a thick paste


How to~

apply your mixture on your face scrubing it gently in for around a minute or 2

then apply the rest of your paste to your face avoiding eyes and lips, let this sit intil it is dry then wash it off with luke warm water.. do this 3 days in a row....


NOTE~ Your face will burn doing this, it will become red, inflamed, and will begin to micro peal, flake, and then flake in larger ugly will feel and become very dry as a facial peal would... I advise not to do this if you have to work that week, or wear facial powder only like i do, because it is highly noticable your face is dry and pealing.... when your face is overly pealing or feels dry you can restore your PH balence by applying apple cider vinigar, and be sure to use, and to protect your eyes, and lips expecially and all night with a natural oil like coco nut, or olive oil... this also will rid pimples but if the skins oil balence is not restored more could come...un likely but it has happened to me 2 weeks after..

just stick with the olive oil directly put it on after a shower and it sould be perfect.


Just add alot more lime or lemon, even asprin....



Ok so there are many forms of acne, from backheads-to white heads to -pimples-to cists many many types...

here is some common things that you have around that will get rid of them.


(benzoyl peroxide 10%

(peroxide normal



(baking soda

(tooth paste

(neosporm (in some cases)

(extra virgin olive oil dark green bottle is my favorite

(coconut oil organic raw

(sylic acid~ but it only will make your skin thinner by chemically exfoliating it.. allowing it to breathe is good when washing your face in the shower while the pours are open


It is best to fight acne at night before bed, so your face has all night to heal...

Acne is formed because oxygen is not getting into the pours, causing sebum glands to produce extra oils which clogs the pours... it could be because of genitics as well.. but it can be stopped... the only way to cure acne is with air. Acne bacteria can not survive in air...

If your face is too oily that really means it is too dry.. a nightly application of olive oil or coconut oil will stop this... fight oil with oil... make sure your face is clean and dirt free!! and apply the oil before you go to sleep, if you break out more during the first week that is good. Actually it means your face is clearing up.

Anything that you try which does not show fantastic results after a month is not for you....


Asprin- dab it on the pimple leave it on while you go to sleep. That will dry the pimple out a lot by morning, same with a dab of lime lemon, baking soda benzoyl peroxide, tooth paste

Black heads- scrub the hell out of your face with a rough sponge, then seal the pours with a natural oil listed above...

Cists- take longer because they go all the way to the blood stream feeding and growing from the bloods nutrients... but olive oil will heal them over time..


The most important thing you need to do is get rid of all that dead skin by

exfoliating!!! do my remedy below for wrinkles with baking soda and extra virgin olive oil every day!!! and do touch ups just apply your form of pimple aid over the olive oil on the pimple if you need further help let me know i will help you reach your goals :) acne is a hard thing to live with it is a medical condition, it actually destroys lives and confidence.... been there done that lol!!! but i found the cure, tricks that can solve the worst forms of acne.....



Slab some Elmers glue ( NON TOXIC childrens paper glue) over your nose and pours (a slightly thick layer) let it dry and peal it off IN THE DIRECTION OF THE POURS DOWN you'll be amazed and disgusted by what you find.... also if you put it over unwanted facial hair like a mini mustash or fuzzy beard it will remove the hairs and the gunk out of the pours too :) your eyes will water be brave and remember like my grama always said ''IT HURTS TO BE BEAUTIFUL"

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hair Straight with Straightening Cream

First wash your hair and also use conditioner.
Cover yourself with the help of towel.
Open hair straightening cream, mix chemicals.
Make hair sections. And use comb in your hair. And start apply section wise properly up to dwon.
Then comb your hair because your hair now stiff.
Leave it for some time. Every product has its own time period.
And comb again before 15 minutes of wash.
Then wash with lukewarm water.
Leave for dry.
Then apply neutralizing cream on hair for 20 minutes.
Wash with lukewarm water.

Use flat iron for finishing.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Glowing Skin

Daily cleansing,toning and moisturizing is the key to glowing skin.There is no need to buy expensive products for this.u can do cleansing from milk and little bit cream (malai),let it be dry and rub it from ur fingers.this will cleanse ur skin toning from rose water and moisturize from any good cream (dont go for lotions).do this procedure before sleeping.Moreover pray five times daily.have sound sleep and drink plenty of water.u will surely see the results.

Spray rose water on ur face off n on & pray 5 times a day,

make mixture of.multani matti.sandal powder.alovera jel.malai.rose water
jou ka atta..haldi honey.n jasmeen oil n blend all things jb yeh cream jesa mixture ban jhy tou eik jar main rakh lain n 15 day k lehy bna lain n daily 20 to 30 mint k lehy lga k phir scrub kar k utar lain ap heran hun ge na sirf glow ay ga balky fair rang ho ga no fine kines no blackhead

Aloe vera jel me every day powder milk ko mix kr k normal sa mixture bna len or usy face par laga kr thori dair massage kren or 20 se 25 mint baad dho den , fair n glowing skin ho gi. Or daily cleansing milk se cleansing kren face n neck n hands ki

dip cotton in unboiled milk nd wipe ur face .

I heard dat drinkng d mint water help in glowng skin few mint leaves boil in water keep ds watr in fridge ovrnite n drink all nxt day

Apply simple yoghurt on ur face daily nd massage it for 5 minutes thn wash it with warm water

Use multani mudd mask or daily wash,scrub ur face wid besan dat is mix wid fresh milk.

Milk cleanser se cleansing k bad seven herbal ki ubtan cream ki massage karein face pe ye cream market main easily available k bad rose water thanda kr k wo face pe lagayein ..n drinks main orange ya strawbry ka juice lein

peach papaya n honey mashed n mix n apply
after 1g mint wash with cold water

Deep cleasing from almond cream n before breakfast daily 1 tomato widout seeds u shoul within 15days ur skin will going towards glowing

Apply egg white on face daily and wash it with like warm water

Friday, July 4, 2014

How to Get Rid of black skin tone.

Massage with Olive oil or almond oil.

Apply Raw Milk on skin and leave all the night. Next morning wash with warm water.

Take some oatmeal ( or joo ka atta) and mix this in yogurt, make thick paste and apply on dark skin for 30 to 45 minutes. Then wash with simple water.

Orange juice + turmeric powder mix and apply on dark body then leave all the night. Wash in next morning.

Drink a lot water.

Eat Vitamin C tablet. daily

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



take one teaspoon gondh whole night ky lye bhigo dain and eat before break fast

T8 leuchorrea drops... 15 drops 4 times a day... Tried and tested. The best and only relief from it in shaa Allah

Take desi eggs shells..wash n dry them then grind into fine a Tb sp 2,3 times a day..

The best is to ground amulgum(phitkiri) n swallow a very tiny piece evry morning on empty stomach wth a glass of watr.its the best remedy i nevr hd the problm once i used it,do it for forty days atleast,bt it wrks really faster.

Use Separi pak..

Take tuk malangas put it in water n keep over night n drink it I have tried so many time it works wonders

One pao misri one pao khopra .. Mix it.. Eat one to two table spoon daily.. It's weet and it works

Sookhay Singharay or Misrri ko powder bana kar daily subha nihar muu 1 tbs khaein with water... 1 week mei farq pare ga In Sha ALLAH

Sookhay Singharay or Misrri ko powder bana kar daily subha nihar muu 1 tbs khaein with water... 1 week mei farq pare ga In Sha ALLAH

Use lecodine tablets of hamdard

Take coconut water

Goond pees kr rakhlo.aur roz suba aur rat dood k sath ek teaspoon khao. Is k elswa hamdard ka supari pak ata h wo b khao. InshaAllah farq pare ga bht

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hair Straightening

Tips and Home Remedies for Hair Straightening:

Egg + milk mix apply on hair for 10 minutes then wash.

Milk and Honey:
Honey + Milk mix and apply on hair for 2 hours then wash.

Apply milk on hair then use wide tooth comb for 20 minutes, wash after dry.

Coconut or Olive oil or Castor oil:
Warm coconut or olive or castor oil on hair massage on scalp then shampoo.

Egg White and Rice Flour Mask:
Mix egg white + rice flour and apply on hair for hour then wash.

Banana Mask:
Banana + Youurt + honey + olive oil + egg white mix and apply on hair for 30 minutes.

Aloe Vera Gel Mask:
Mix warm oil (olive + coconut + and castor) in  half cup of aloe Vera gel. Then apply on hair for 1 and 2 hours then wash.

Olive oil with Egg:
Mix them together and apply on hair for one hour then wash.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thinning Hair

Home Remedies for Thinning Hair:

Massage Therapy:  Regular massage of scalps with lukewarm olive oil.

Hot Towels: Massage on head with oil then Take hot water and dip towel in this the wrap all around your head and hair and leave for 1to 2 hours. then wash.

Hair Hygiene: Use natural shampoo and conditioner.

Hair Styles: Change your hair style and hair cut.

Egg:  Take 2 eggs and apply it on your wet hair for 20 to 30 minutes then wash.

egg yolk + oil + few drops of water mix and apply on hair. then wash.

Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds soak these in water at night, next morning make paste and apply on roots of hair after dry wash your hair. 

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel massage on scalps then leave for 30 minutes then wash. 
Aloe vera  and one egg mix and apply on scalp then leave for 15 to 20 minutes then wash.

Orange Juice: Take one Orange complete and mash it and apply on hair for 30 minutes then wash.

Olive Oil: Massage of Olive oil.
Olive oil + honey + mix and apply on hair for 30 minutes then wash.

Coconut Oil: Massage scalp with pure coconut oil.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Crack Heels

Use Oil of vegetables

Rips banana massage on crack heels. Then wash.

Use vaseline and lemon juice and apply your heels.

Use Paraffin wax.

Ground rice + honey + apple cider vinegar mix and apply on your heels.

Use olive oil on crack heels.

Use sesame oil.

Milk + honey mix and apply on crack heels.

Mix lemon juice and papaya and apply on heels.

Friday, May 30, 2014

How to get rid of lice

Lice ko khtm krny ka sb sy asan tareeka ye hy k nahany k bad end py half balti pani mai dettole ke cap bhar k dettole dalen or us sy nahen tareeka har dafa karen nahaty wakt ...1 week mai lice khtm hojaen ge .. ye azmoda totka hy

Use coopex anti lice

Lice o nil cream..
Just one application give you results. .


Lavender oil is the best ,mix it in shampoo, n use it every alternative day for 15 to 20 days ,after shampoo wash your hair n comb them with bareek kangee

use any MINT shampoo

There is an anti lice n nits spray available called PARA

Lotion nedax plus. Best ttreatment for kids. Its medicated

Lice busting lotion

ZN anti lice shampoo

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Oily Scalp...

How to get rid from Oily Scalp..

Take some baby powder and apply it on your hair roots then comb for few minutes. Then leave this half hour and then shampoo your hair with light mild shampoo.

Never use moisturzer for your hair. It is cause oily problem.

Always choose any mild shampoo.

Never scrub to much your hair during shampoo.

Don’t use conditioner for hair. If you think your hair need of contioner then apply only halfway down hair.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Moisturizing for the body

What is dietary equivalent of the moisturizing for the body?

drinking lot of water,Try adding flax seed, salmon and walnuts to your diet to boost your omega-3 intake and moisturize your skin,spinach has plant compounds that -- according to some research -- help to keep your skin healthy, The antioxidants and other chemicals in the berries work to help your skin cells stave off damage

Drinking Plenty Of water daily
2-Eating fresh vegetables and fruits
3-Exercising regularly
4- taking milk regularly
5- use vaseline lotion

drink water, eat fresh food, avoid too much junk and oily food, eat fresh vegetables salad , wash face with water many times, use of sunblock, dont expose boy to sun, use of vaseline

Omega-3, use the whole vegetables , limit junk food and drink water.

12 to 16 glass of water and fresh juices+fruits+vegetables etc. because only drinking alot of water is not essential for our body we need to intake salts and minerals as well and we should also avoid junk and oily food

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to Remove Stretch Marks....

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks:
Do exercise daily.
Use Vitamin C and Vitamin E in your diet.
Massage with apricot scrub on Stretch marks.
Almond oil + chamomile oil + lavender oil mix and apply on affected area.
Olive oil + Aloe vera gel + 6 Vitamin E oil capsules + + 4 Vitamin A oil capsules mix these all and keep in bottle and apply on affected area.
avocado + sweet almond + jojoba + lavender + chamomile mix all and apply on affected areas.
Coconut oil + coco butter + lemon juice mix then apply directly on marks.
Take some potato pieces and massage on marks. After dry wash.
White sugar + almond oil + lemon juice mix and massage lightly for ten minutes daily.
Massage of Aloe vera on the mark.
Aloe vera gel + vitamin E oil + vitamin A oil mix these and massage on affected areas.
Massage with Lemon on the affected areas.
Cucumber juice + lemon juice mix them and apply on stretch marks.
Massage with Olive oil on the marks then leave this 30 minutes and wash.
Olive oil + water + vinegar mix and use as night cream.


1. 5 Tbsp Salt

2. 1/2 cup of raw natural honey

3. 6 limes or 2 lemons ( the juice avoid seeds)

4. 4 tbsp of Hydrogen Peroxide

5. 1 cup of white vinagar or apple cider vinegar

6. 1/2 cup of baking soda powder

7. A very very corse hard sponge for scrubbing dishes plastic brittle one is best

8. A container with a lid or a large spray bottle like the size of a a clear spraybottle for the bathroom...

9. Coconut oil or extra virgen olive oil or almond oil any natural oil is fine

10.A really thick lotion or diaper rash cream wih vitamin a, d & e and zinc (to calm the itching)

11.Water -



NOTE: EACH BATCH WILL ONLY LAST A WEEK IF YOU DO NOT USE IT ALL DUMP IT OUT AND MAKE A NEW BATCH... do this out side or in your bathroom sink, tub or shower, in case it fizzes all crazy like valeries did looool!!!

~~In a contianer or a spray bottle add your ingrediants in this order, 1/2 cup of baking soda powder 1/2 cup of raw natural honey, 1/2 cup of raw natural honey, Salt, 4 tbsp of Hydrogen Peroxide AND 6 limes or lemons, add water leave room for the 1 cup white vinagar or apple cyder vinagar IT WILL/could BEGIN TO FIZZ let it sit 10 minutes pereferbly in the sun to bind the natural chemicals, (the sun will also activate the lighting properties of each ingrediant).... after all this shake the container or spray bottle to mix all the ingrediants.....~~~ FOR DARK SKIN~~~ ADD LESS INGREDIANTS OF LIME, (4 limes) AND 1/3 cup BAKING SODA, (since your skin is darker too much of the ingrediants will lighten your skin, if you don't care, and want to lighten your skin or dont mind, do the full remedie as it is listed above it will not turn your skin white but will decrease in color 1-2 shades.)



#1.) With your very corse sponge in the shower under (warm water) begin to lightly scrub your effected area IN CIRCLES both directions, AND THEN IN LINES UP-DOWN AND BACK AND FORTH. (this will open the skin deeper causeing micro tares, Increase the scrubbing preasure scrub hard! focus on sections scrubbing thicker stretch marks harder and longer... make sure the skin is really, tingley, red and irritated (i usesally scrub like 7 minutes) right now i'm only focusing on the stretch marks on the front of my stomach, if you focus on too many places the remedie will not work as good because you need to fully be dedicated to the section, and all need a good amount of time "to be loved lol"


#2.) after the shower dry the effected area completely off and apply the new stretch mark remedie i taught you how to make. it will burn from the skin being open from scrubbing it

#3.) leave it on for 2+ hours ( the longer the time you have it on the better) I leave mine on all night long.. it is best to do remedies at night after a shower..

#4.) If you leave it on all night long like me with a blush brush or cotten swab apply a layer of baking soda dust over the remedie, dust off excess... (this will cause it to burn and dry the skin even more and will make it not sticky...

~~NOTE: You will be naturally chemically burning your skin causing it to peal, your stretch marks should become very irritated, inflamed, red, and itchy and look way worse then they normally do!! Durning this week you should notice a difference in the stretch marks durning the day when your not damanging them

#5.) every morning wash off your effected area with water only and immidently apply a really thick cream to the area, apply it through out the day as well.... diaper rash cream wih A&E and ZINC works great to sooth the itch and heal it.

#6.) seal with natural oil


WEEK 2~~~ make a new batch

***NOTE:BY THIS WEEK YOU SHOULD BE REALLY GOOD AND ITCHY, DO NOT ITCH IT WITH YOUR FINGERNAILS FOLLOW #2!!! I was and am still doing the remedie so i still am! some days worse the others.


#2.) now you will begin dry scrubbing the areas in the day with your corse sponge, you will probly enjoy that because your your skin has thickened so scrubbing it will no longer hurt as much and its itchy anyway...

#3.) apply your remedie

#4.) 1 hour later (in the day time) wash it off

#5.) apply your thick cream or diaper rash cream with a&e and zinc

#6.) seal with natural oil


WEEK 3 ~~~ make a new batch


#1 repeat entire process

#2 start dry scrubing with your corse sponge even more often.... i now scrub once in the day the shower...... and before bed ...... some times ill scrub it with the remedie on at night latley ive been washing off the remedie and just sleeping with the diaper rash cream on or my thick cream on because im so itchy!!

That is as far as i have got in the remedie just stick to it and take care of your skin you will see rusults but not while you are still damanging the skin so one day out of the week i just leave my effected area alone apply the creams and the next day i check to see if any changes and start the process all over, this remedie will take time, for some will work very quickly like it did for me, be dedicated and beleive you can get rid of them because the mind its self is a very powerful thing... As i said above this will burn your skin 1-2 layers including the dead skin, it lighten your skin... this will also thicken the skin because your body will be producing more and more skin cells to fight the damage.... your skin will become tighter and bending lines will fade.... while doing the remedie you will have WTF days where you look at it and are like damn that looks horribe lol.... its part of the process :) im looking at mine right now itching and thinking the same thing haha!

week 4~~ let it rest to see some results, the skin will still feel dry and a lil corse to the totch keep applying your moisturizing cream~ if you want to do a dry scrub that fine, or continue on with the remedie thats fine too, right now i'm in week 4 so i would like to see my stomach how it normally would be with out doing the remedie, but its your choice.... i will continue back with it on week 5

Dry Chapped and Dark Lips

Home Remedies for Dry Chapped and Dark Lips:
Use petroleum jelly or lip balm,

Lip balm or moisturizer first apply on lips then apply lip stick or lip color.

Glycerin + honey apply on lips.

Castor oil is good for dry lips.

Dip rose petals in milk and leave this for all night, then mix and apply on your lips.

Castor oil + glycerin apply on your lips.

Rose petals + glycerin.

You can also apply milk cream on your lips.

Fresh aloe vera apply on lips daily.

Use Vitamin A in your diet.

Apply Honey on dry lips.

Coconut oi is good for dry lips.

The most sensitive part of the body lip . Internal systems of the body and its effect if any error first appears on the lips .  disease lip color changes the color of the lips , first Black becomes . temporarily lips by makeup can hide the errors , but the long-term safety is very important for beauty .

If your lips are thick alum and her weights met glasrien  tax if we are thin lips . , This process is only a few days .
 manipulation language of the lips lips often become black .
together by applying a few drops of lemon honey lip stains spots are eliminated .
Using raw cow's milk  lips are pink .
greater use of fresh water to keep lips fresh .
Using the cut pieces of sugar beat  lips are reddish .

Cleansing Mask

How to make Cleansing Face Mask:

Powdered brewer’s yeast + lemon juice+ yogurt + orange juice + olive oil + carrot juiceMix all of these things and make paste, then apply for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash with fresh water.

Hair Styles for Long Hair

Sweet savage long hairstyle
Springy long hairstyle
long layered hairstyle
wave hairstyles

Saturday, May 17, 2014


aik khanay ka chamcha jauu+aik chamcha shehad+kuch katray lemon.kay juice kay. in teenoun ajza ko mix karkay chehray pay laga kar pandra mins chorna hai aur phir dhona hai and haftay main do say teen baar yeh ammal karna hai. (:

aapkay daanay nikaltay hain uss kay liyeh aap rozana raat kisi achay face wash say moun dho kar aloevera gel laga lia karein aur uss per halka sa rose water spray karkay sojaein yeh ammal baqaedgii say rozana bina naagha karein INSHA'ALLAH faeda hoga.

Beauty Tips & Home Remedies

black dot on face
Use lemon cucumber nd tomoto use on ur face for 15 mints daily

maaltay k chilk ko pani main oobaal lay jab wo ghara ho jay to oos ko chaan lainy prih jitna pine banay utna he zatoon ka tail lay kar in dono ko mix kar lainy or rozana sony sy phaly face par laga lainy.kuch din main black dots khatam ho jay gai.or is ko thandi jagha par rakhy.

bal lamby
Black maash sabet 1 cup, amlaa 1/2 cup, seeka kaeiy 1/2 cup, maithy k beej 2 table spoon, lemon k dry chilkay 4 addad. Sb cheezaon ko piece k safouf bna lain. Ye safouf garm pani main 1/2 ghuntay k liye bhigo dain or phr sir pr 5 min lagein or phr sir dhou lain. Ess se baal lumbay ghunay or girna bund ho jaein gain.

Methi dana rat ko bhigo k subha pest bana lo wo lagao balon m 2 ghante jab nahane jao to kanghi se kangha kr lo ta k wo nikal jaal thora buhat phir naha k shampoo kr lo

6 adad limoo ka ras or 1 pao sarso k tail ko achai terha mix kar lay phir mix tail ko 8 sy 10 din laga tar balo main lagay INSHALLAH 4 sy 6 hafto main he khubsurat or lambay baal ho jay gain agar aap ko koi or problam na ho to or kuch dino k liya kali mirch or mitha bilkul na khay.thanks

2 spoon methi dny k bech lay k aloveraa k patyyy my rakhy rat bar beej phool jy gay in ko kise b hair oil my dal k paky hlka sa beej ko wo lgy

Friday, May 16, 2014

Loss Weight

Loss weight in Urdu and Hindi
Motapy sy nijat....... Smart Looking

subhu fajer ke namaz ky bad surh fataha paro 7 times with darood pak ky sath or din main kisey be time surh raad 13 sapray main ha wo paren weight lose hona shuru ho jaey ga inshaallah

Peshy khidmt hai totka.
Jaisy chai k liye pani boil krty hain wesy pani ko josh dain jb pani boil ho jaiy to us main darchini ka 2 inch ka tukra daal k chula bnd kr dain aur cover kr dain.ek minute k baad cup main nikal kr ek table spoon honey daal k adah cup peena hai.phr adah cup cover kr k rkh dena hai.baki ka adha cup subha khali pate thanda he peena hai.

Din mai 12 to 14 glass pani pinae se weight bohat jaldi loose hota hai aur bookh kam lagtae hai pani hamasha Beath Kerr piae

weight loose sirf walking se hota hai. Wo bhe tb jb fast food totally khana chor dy even roti bhe qk wheat me carbohydrate hai. Just vegetables n fruit milk ly.

Jb b time mely sans kench k counting karte jao till 100 and ahesta say saans choro rozana kam sy kam 4 time ok;-)

subaah uthtay hi pissi hui kilonji aik chota tea spoon with a glass ov lemon shehad wala paani and then half hour baad naashta agar tea leti ho tou without sugar and kuch bhi healthy food khao aur foran bilkul foran green tea pee lo aik cup then din main 6 cups zeeray ka paani laazmi.peena hai aur aik jaga khadi ho kar tezz jogging karo ahesta ahesta stamina barhay ga tou time bhi barhati jana. Raat aur dopehr kay khanay kay bhi bilkul foran baad aik cup green tea pio aur raat sonay say pehlay two cups neem garram paani pio INSHA'ALLAH weight zaroor kmm hoga

ager subah nahar moh geram pani may one tb spoon apple cider vinegar n one tea spoon honey (if no honey then just vinegar is fine) n some drops lemon piya jai tu weight tu must kum hoga.

his tip is for belly ssaans rokk kar pait aunder khencheein and start counting till 100 then ahesta say saans chorein yeh exercise din main jab bhi free houn karein specially raat sonay say pehlay atleast 4 times a day INSHA'ALLAH belly main fark aaega

Beauty Tips In Hindi and Urdu

Beauty Tips In Hindi and Urdu

Orange k Chilke le k Dry kar lo unhen. Phir unka Powder bana k daily din main or raat main is Powder ko Thore se milk main Paste bana k Face pe laga lo.. After 15-18 mins halke haathon se masaag karo face pe then moun dho lo.... Phir face dry jab ho jaye then Archie Pearl Cream Face pe laga lo.. Use this continuously.. Surity k sath Pimples khatam ho jayenge.. I myslef tried this n ab aik pimple nahi mere face pe
u know i wanna tell to everyone that hamari skin 6 layers par mushtamil hoti hai aur jab hum iss par khoob bleaching ya whittening creams wagaira rozana mall rahay hotay hain tou one by one aik layer hatt ti jaati hai and skin thin hoti jati hai and hamein lagta hai wow we are getting fair but aesa kuch nahi horaha hota skin layers hattnay kki wajah say humari skin pay nassein numaya honay lagti hain and at the end skin ka hashar nashar hojata hai so please dont go for these fake bleaching whittening creams. just go for ALLAH's gifted natural stuffs and take care ov your skin by using them.

opened pores kay liya zyada say zyada face pay rose water spray karein and twice a week aik egg ki safeidi main aik spoon lemon daal kar face pay lagaein 20 mins baad thanday pani say wash karkay rose water spray karlein and yess!! jab bhi moyn.dhoein fridge kay thanday paani say dhoein aur week main teen baar iceing bhi karein sonay say pehlay and iceing aap daily bhi karsakti hain and face pay aloevera gel lag kay sya kareim INSHA'ALLAH faeda hoga ( :

Almond oil best hai dry skin Kai liye. Rat ko Sunay se pahly laga Lo. Ap ko kuch Dinu Mai hi farak mahsos ho ga:) good luck

dry skin kay liye. Daily fresh cream uttar kar wo aik spoon lain uss main half lemon daaleim aur 3 mins massage karkay 15 mins dry karlain then wash karlein. Aur aik bottle main adha cup glycrine aadha cup rose water and aik lemon bada wala squeeze karkay insub ko mix karkay fridge main rakhdein and daily sonay say pehlay baby lotion ya kisi bhi lotion say cleansing karkay yeh liquid fAce pay laga kay sojaein then subaah wash karein INSHA'ALLAH faeda hoga.

haath paoun goray aur soft karnay kay liye aik cup sirka aik cup shehed adha cup rose water aik bottle main mix karkay fridge main rakhdein rozz raat iss liquid ko shake karkay apny haath paoun pay 20 mins kay liye lagaein not more than 20 mins aur phir baby soap say wash karlain rozana bina naagha yeh ammal karein INSHA'ALLAH pandra din main faeda hoga and yess agar kisi ko zyada jaldi hai so wo yeh ammal twice a day karsakta hai aik time dopehr main and aik time raat main aur 20 min sat zyada hargizz na.laga rehnay dein aur achi tarhan wash karein baby soap say INSHA'ALLAH faeda hoga (:

use a natural scrub once a week must coz scrub cleanses not only skin but the pores too. take a juice ov one lemon add one tea spoon.sugar and start yo do massage slowly on face+neck with last three fingers. massage for five mins but and then leave it for 10 mins and wash it off with cold water and do iceing and spray some rose water it'll give u natural glow on your face INSHA'ALLAH. (:

 rozz aik chamcha dahee aur aadhay lemon ka juice aur aik chutkii daar cheeni ka powder mix karkay face pay teen.min last ki three fingers say massage karein aur 5 min dry karein phir uss per rose water spray karkay dobara gheela kardein phir again five mins dry karein then aik baar phir spray karkay yeh ammal dohrana hai matlab total time 15 mins hai aur phr moun dholain yeh tip raat sonay say pehlay karni hai rozana bina naagha aur subaah kisi achay face wash say moun dho kar tibet snow cream lagay karein aur aik baar shaam main bhi . aap bina naagha karein INSHA`ALLAH Faeda hoga ALLAH nay chaha tou. (:

paon ki heels agar kharab hon to sb sy best polyfax ointment ha.

paoun ki ehriyoun ki heels narram karnay ka aazmoda tip: do candles lo unka dhaaga nikkaal lo buss moum lay lo aur aadha pao sarsoun ka tail aur 7 kaafoor ki goliyoun ka powder yeh sub aik saath pakao aur thanda karkay jar main bhar lo rozz raat paoun dho kar achee tarhan yeh lagao chaho tou neem garram karkay lagao for best result aur socks pehn lo. INSHA'ALLaH faeda hoga ALLAH nay chaha tou.

daily face par aik spoon besan aik spoon lemon juice aur 4 spoon arq e gulaab mila kar yeh paste face pay lagao aur 20 mins baad dho lo, aur rose 4 chamchay apple cyder vinegar lo uss main 2 chamchay chop podina daal kar aik haftay kay liue fridge main rakhdo 7 din baad nikkaal kar uss main say buss podina nichor lo aur uss apple cyder main aik cup arq e gulaab dalo aur spray bottle main bharlo yeh aik natural toner taeyaar hojaega din main 6 say7 baar face par yeh spray karo aur yeh spray fridge main rakhna hai. Haftay main aik baar multaani mitti bhi lagalia karo. Pabndi say ammal karna INSHA'ALLAH  ALLAH nay chaha tou faeda hoga.

din main teen baar specially must raat sonay say pehlay neck nechay jhukka kar back side say brush(comb) karein 10 mins tak iss say baal girrna buhat kmm hojaaty hain kyunkay overall hair's health achee hoti hai aap lagataar do haftay tak bina naagha karo INSHA'AlLaH fark khud mehsoos karogi. aur sarsoun kay oil main naaryal kay baal jAlla kR usski raakh daal do matlab half bottle main coconut hair ki raakh honi chahye aur baaqi bottle sarsoun kay oil say fill karo aur thori si kalonji aur thor pissa methii daNa bhi daalna aur thrice a week yeh oil bAaloun main lagao neem garram karkay maalish karna sirf ungliyoun say then baal tie karlena and 4 ghantay baad shampoo karskti ho. haftay main aik baar aik anday main 6 spoon dahee+4 spoon castor oil+ aadhay lemon ka juice mix karkay yeh baaloun main lagao aik ghanty baad shampoo karlo iNSHA'ALLah zarroor faeda hoga buss bilkul pabndi say ammal karna. (:

fairness kay liye rozz raat neem garram doodh pee kar soya karo, aur sonay say pehlay aik chamcha aatta(flour)+adhay lemon ka juice+3 chamchay arq e gulaab+4 chamchay doodh daal kar aur 3 spoon paani iss paste say chehray pay aakhir ki teen ungliyoun say thora massage karo aur 10 min sukha kar moun dho lo kisi achay face wash say aur usskay baad face pay aloevera gel laga kay sojao INSHA'ALLaH ALLAH nay chaha tou faeda hoga aur haftay main do baar aik anday ki safeidi main aadha lemon aur 2 spoon rose water daal kar yeh mask 25 min ko face pay lagao aur dho lo.

fresh skin kay liye rozz raat sonay say pehlay baby lotion say cleansing kia karo aur din main 6 say 7 baar rose watet spray karo chehray pay. aur rozz aik spoon dahee aik spoon lemon juice 2 spoon rose water mix karkay face pay lagao aur 20 mins baad dho lo. INSHA'ALLaH faeda hoga and paani buhat buhat zyada piya karo.

 According to me all tips are useless untill+unless aap muqamal raat ki neend na lo. Neways main tips bata deti hun aik tou yeh kay buhat zyada paani pio aur aik miitttii ki pyaali lo uss main 3 chamchay taazay doodh ki malae daalo aur saath main 12 badaam ka powder aur yeh mix karkay mitti ki pyalai upper say dhaanp kar raat bhar kisi thandi harlwaa daar jagah par rakhdo aur subah yeh fridge main rakhdo then rozana yeh cream haath ki 4th waali ungli say aankhoun kay gird halkoun par goll daeray main i mean circular motion main 1 min massage karo aur aur sojao then subaah dho lo. yeh cream har 4 days baad fresh banao aur kabhi kabhi din main potato ka russ bhi laga liya karo. aap pabndi karein INsHa'ALLah AlLAH nay chaha tou zaroor faeda hoga. (:

haath paoun ka complexion acha karnay kay liye: aik bottle main aadha cup sirka aadha cup shehad daal kar mix karkay fridge main rakhdein rozz raat kay time haath paoun pay yeh liquid lagaein poray 20 mins baad wash karlain with baby soap. INSHA'ALLah faeda hoga but pabndi laazim hai. (:

Mix Beauty Tips

Beuty Tips in Urdu and Hindi

long thick hair

Garlic+ Almond +Coconut +Watercress.....yeh 4 oil mix kar key lagya tha main ne or mere bal sahi ho gey hain .......

Pyaaz ko chopper me chop krlen phr usko net ya lawn k kapre me daal k hath se daba k bowl me uska paani nikaal lain..or scalp pe laga k 1 hour k liay chor den phr wash karlen.per iski smell bht dino tk wash krne k baad jaati hai or jo b oil use krte ho usme castor oil b add karlen.wo b baal thick krta hai.oil laga k bhi pyaaz ka pani laga sakte hain

Hair fall ke simple tip hai. 1 sapoon malai ko bland kr k sarso k oil mei chund secnd pkai k yeh dono mix ho jain achi trhan aur forun outar lain thanda kr k hair ke jaron mei lgain aur 3 hours k liya shoper churha lain phr hair wash kr lain. Week mei aik br zaror yeh krain hair soft n shyni ho jain gay hair fall bhe nah hoga.

Hair fall ke simple tip hai. 1 sapoon malai ko bland kr k sarso k oil mei chund secnd pkai k yeh dono mix ho jain achi trhan aur forun outar lain thanda kr k hair ke jaron mei lgain aur 3 hours k liya shoper churha lain phr hair wash kr lain. Week mei aik br zaror yeh krain hair soft n shyni ho jain gay hair fall bhe nah hoga.

amla ,reetha shikakai ye powder form me oil me mix karke lagao ya phr bhigo kar,hair usse long hnge

Dahi+anda+oil+lemon juice. Inko mix kr k hair mei lgain. Hair fresh n long hngay.

Dark circles k leye ap kache doudh main coton means kpas k circle bana k use milk main dip kr k fridge main rakh dain jb wo thanda ho jae to use eyes pe 15 mint k leye rakh lain is se ap k dark circles bhi khtm ho jaein ge or sakoun bhe milta hai is k elawa ap cocumbr bhe use keya karein wo bhi kafi had tk rezlt deta hai

Dahi lagao or das mint bad face wash krlo daily din mai aik bar, wrinkls theek hojaen gay

First of all ...u should one table spoon of egg . and 2 table spoon of yogurt .nd one spoon of honey nd u have to mix them . After that apply ur face after 20 mintz wash it with lightly hot water...

oilly skin walay eggwhite+half lemon ka juice mix karkay face pay lagaeain and after 15mins thanday paani say wash karlain.

aloevera ka paste banakar with it's green part iss paste ko thora sa sarsoun ka oil garram karkay uss main mila kar jarroun say sirroun tak achi tarhan massage karo aur hair tie karkay sojao then wash it off in.morning. Follow this tip thrice a week. INSHA'AlLAH faeda hoga. May ALLAH Paak help u.

1 egg yolk 2 tbs yoghurt 1tbs honey mix it well, apply on ur face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Clycin-t lotion uze krain nite mei wo black head remove krna ka best tarika hai. Mei khud wo lotion hr time apni frij mei rkhti hon.

Ap direct lgaen, uska chilka hta k green jel h usko crush krngi to who juicy hojaega who juice aply kren face pr direct fingr tip ya brush sy or minimum 20 mnts or maximum 1 hour b aply kr skti hn,

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dark Elbows and Knees

 Elbows and knees cover.

Massage on elbows and knees with oil daily. 

Apply coconut oil or almond oil.

Drink plenty of water.

If you have deep visible lines then your is dry. Apply Vitamin E.

Apply moisturizer on your legs and arms. 

Home Remedies:
 Dip cotton pad in  lemon juice and rub this lightly on  knees and elbows. Leave this for 25 to 30 minutes, then wash with fresh water.

Dip cotton small pad in hydrogen peroxide and apply this on knees and elbows. Repeat 2 times daily.

Vitamin E +  lime juice + glycerin +  milk. Massage with mixture on elbows and knees and leave this for 20 to 25 minutes. Wash off  with  light warm water.

Coconut oil + lemon mix this and apply on elbows and knees for 20 minutes. 

Gramflour +  lime juice mix then apply on elbows and knees and leave for about 20 to 25 minutes.

Toothache......... Dant ka dard

Home Remedies for Toothache - Immediate Pain Relief 

gargle with salt and warm water. Or... Mix salt, pepper and water to make a paste, then rub it on affected tooth. last... chop garlic clove and sprinkle w/ salt, then rub on affected area.

Monsters of mouth pain are very useful aspgul use. In this case the mix a teaspoon of yogurt be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning and after every meal, use one or two teaspoons of curd.

Note: If children complain of mouth that this medication does not bark to eat. So the Egyptian finely grind them into his mouth so the child eats and drinks well. Children's symptoms would be willing to end

often are a reflection of your upset stomach are also very low, which causes blisters in the mouth are formed.
Pay attention to your digestion if taken If my steps to correct it immediately or it will not end until this condition shall not be valid until thrush. It is very useful to use aspgul peels, plus a lot of water also helps eliminate constipation

Throat gargle of vinegar to the sauce goes well

If the puck away from food relief is to keep living in the mouth.

Honey mixed with water to gargle the mouth and throat irritation bark is recovered.

Worse solution in water to gargle the mouth and tongue blisters go away. * Boil acacia investigation to gargle and mouth blisters are fine.
Fresh buttermilk drink without sugar thrush go away.

If the throat gargle with salt water is recovered .
Sonic sat down , hang up , then drink warm water opens sound .
If the throat a little turmeric to hot milk drink is recovered .
Sonic sat eating when ripe open pomegranate .
If Sonic sat up at night to eat roasted gram is open to the warm water .
If Sonic sat sucking piece of bark berry is open .
Raisins in ghee and honey thoroughly grinding together make majun keep it on the tongue . When turning on the tongue Crack It will be fine .
Cloves are placed in the mouth after sucking warm slightly swollen ends of the alley .
After dinner was ground black pepper mixed in ghee voice opens in lick is sitting .
Put into the mouth piece of sugar sitting sucking sound is opened up .
Garlic may well like grinding ointment , then put on a dress to make CROSS strip . Bead sore throat lump lump on her right is from leveling .
Disintegrate onion , cumin and salt Sandhu (Rock Salt) clears throat is mixed with food . Mucus wheezing ends . * Fresh buttermilk drink without sugar thrush go away . * Chewing basil leaves and basil leaves jusandy to gargle the mouth odor goes away .
Drinking green coriander , turning to me with all sorts of neck pain is over -

Home Remedies for Blackheads

Home Remedies for Blackheads

1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder mix and apply on your blackheads.

Turmeric powder + lemon juice + cinnamon powder and apply on blackheads. Repeat this for 15 days.

Rose water + oatmeal rub this mixture on blackhead area and leave this for 15 minutes. Then wash.

Rose water + almond powder mix rub this paste on  affected areas and leave this for about 15 minutes. Then wash this off.

Lemon juice and 2 tablespoons  honey mix and apply for Blackheads on skin.

Applying of warm honey + sugar for  15 minutes on blackheads and then wash with water.

Lemon juice + groundnut oil mix and apply on Acne and Blackhead..

Apply  fresh mashed tomato on  affected area.

To remove Acne and Blackheads from your  nose and face then apply grape pulp on  face for 15 to 30 minutes.

1 teaspoon  green tea + a little water and mix this. You can use this paste as scrub on skin gently for 2 to 3 minutes. wash with lukewarm water. 

Oatmeal + yogurt mix and apply your skin. 

2 tablespoons  oatmeal + 3 tablespoons yogurt +  lemon juice + olive oil mix these all apply on your face for 5 minutes. 

Cinnamon powder + honey and make a  thick paste. Apply on  affected area before you go for sleep and leave all the night. Next morning, wash face with fresh water.

Cinnamon powder + lime juice + a pinch of turmeric powder make mask shape thick and apply on face for all night and morning time wash.

Cornmeal powder +  your regular facial cleanser. if your pores are open then apply this mixture on face and lightly massage special on nose for blackhead then wash with cold water.

Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Home Remedies for Wrinkle on Skin

Coconut oil best I use it n vaseline.

Green pineapple + apples mic and apply on your face for 10-15 minutes. 

Fresh cream + avocado, + flaxseeds + honey blend these all thing and make a cream then apply on your face for 30 minutes. Then wash up with cold water.

Turmeric + sugarcane juice mix and apply on face. 

Massage of pineapple piece on face and leave this for 10-15 minutes. 

Apply castor oil.

Castor oil + lemon juice mix and apply on affected area.

Egg whites apply on your face and neck then wash with fresh water.

3 Vitamin E + yogurt + honey + lemon juice mix these and apply on face with the help of cotton pad for 10 minutes. 

Raw papaya + banana mix these and apply on face.

Wrinkle Moisturizer Cream

Cocoa butter + jojoba + pomegranate seed oil + aloe vera gel mix all things expect aloe vera heat lightly. After cool mix aloe vera gently. Save this in glass bottle from heat. you can apply on face for 20 minutes.

take fenugreek leaves ,converted it in to paste apply this all night on your face in morning wash it with warm water,apply aloe vera juice on your face for 20 minute then washed,1 tbs of grated zinger with 1 tbs of raw honey consumed every morning,wash face only with cold water,take 8 to 10 glass water per day,u can apply coconut oil, almond oil,olive oil or castor oil on your face.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Masks for Hair

Egg + olive oil mix and make a mask and apply on your hair roots then leave for 20 to 30 minutes. After this wash with simple water. Repeat this once in a week.

Beauty Tips for Hair

Tips for Hair Fall, Hair Growth, Shiny Hair, Strong Hair, Weak Hair

Mustard oil with castor oil and used a shampoo that didn't contain sls, AH. My hair is so much more better now. Ps. To remove castor oil and mustard oil mixture from your hair you need to mix shampoo with very little quantity of water and put it on dry hair.

Best take two or three egg white boiled.. And two of milk cup daily.. I can grantee you see a huge difference in one month.. No multi vitamin...

Mix oils are best for hairs apply oil before every wash. its my personal experience and MashAllah I have long n health hairs.

1 egg and 1 cup milk add it in your daily diet you will see the results soon.

Massage with olive oil.

Take protein diet.

Mustard oil + kalwanji oil same quantity to massage.

Vitamin E and Iron by diet as in spinach,banana,pomegranate,and apple.

You need calcium! Drink lots of milk, eat fruits, ask your doc to advise u a supplement for calcium. 

I take Caltrate 600+D3 two times a day.. Its working wonders on me!

Methidane ko elovera k ander bharden or thore din sunlight me rakh kar wait kren k plant grow krna shuro krde then wo elovera baalon ki roots me lgaen. Or elovera ka gooda khaen niharmun

You just continue your iron calcium vitamin tablets and take good balance diet.

One red apple daily..mughziat oil at night alternative days..olive oil is also good. and Sunsilk hair fall shampoo.

Keep taking your prenatal and increase your calcium intake...daily have yogurt best source of calcium. and egg and olive oil mask once on a week for your hair..

Take deep breath for just 10 mints and wipe away all the tensions from your hair combing regularly..rub your nails so that its good for blood circulation of hair..n take prenatal  which is good in zinc..

Use dove repair shampoo did wonders for me ... my hair were coming out in bulk and now my hair are all good. Plus have milk and take calcium supplements . Dont forget to eat fish and use egg yolk in mustered oil u can also add yogurt twice week.

In 1 kg mustard oil put 1/4 of 1 kg (kalwangi) black seed and 1/4 of 1 kg (methi Dana)put it on heat Dont boil when fully heated put it in bottle after cool down put this oil on  your hair weekly you will see the result with in weeks.

Oiling with castor oil and mustard oil, dry fruits, cod liver oil in winters.

Mix castor oil almond oil and olive oil in equal parts and use twice a week before shampoo.

Aamla retha and sikakai same parts and leave it in water overnight and apply in the morning. when dry wash. do it in summer twice a week.

take the oil of mustard oil(sarsoon) and put  2 pieces of Gallic in oil and heat that oil and pieces of Gallic from few seconds. Then wait till the oil become cool then convert it into the bottle and apply.

Give milk yogurt and protein contain material it increase hairs...

Daily oiling and massage specially at night. Use aloe era pulp directly on hairs it also increase length and hair with shine. 

Oiling with "organic hair solution".. Leave it for two hours or overnight as you wish then wash with any shampoo having egg protein.

Apply fenugreek pd soaked paste on hair for2,3 weeks,see the magic of ur hair after couple of months

massage curd on scalp,leave for sometime and then shampoo.It helps in reducing itchiness due to dandruff and reduces dandruff too.

 white pepper powder and curd mix it apply in scalp and leave it for 30 min and then shampoo do this weakly 2 times it helps to reducesss itchiness and dandruff

coconut milk or even coconut oil is a cure for dandruff!!

For hair treatment extract alovera gel n put it into mustered oil n mix it so it can b lil homogeneous n then apply onto the roots of hair leave it for 5 hrs n wash it with shampo u use.

If you want to make your hair thicker weight we fenugreek seeds , powdered Amla ritha skakayy powder and powdered dried yolk mix two eggs with lemon and make a paste which find it on the hair for twenty minutes then the hair wash the hair in few days will be very dense and silky .

Peanut butter apply on your hair.

Trimmed regularly your hair.

Take your shampoo and add a aspirine pill and some tomato juice and use as your routine. Take some methi and make a paste and apply  your hair.

Stop do blow drying and straightening your hair and dont dye your hair.

Curry leaves + milk make paste and apply on your hair for one hour then wash with fresh water. This tip is for hair growth.

Don't use styling gels hair creams, lotions,  and sprays directly.

Must shampoo your hairs after swimming. 

Comb or brush your hair twice in a day.

How to make onion shampoo for hair growth

chop up a whole union in tiny pieces.. put the freshly chopped onion in a half bottle of organic sulfate free shampoo . or just sulfate free shampoo. shake it so it mixes and let it sit for a week before using it. the onion will die and create natural sulfer that will increase your hair growth and scalp health. after a week wash your hair with this 2 times a week. you should not wash your hair more then 2 times a week period with any shampoo how to make onion shampoo for hair growthchop up a whole union in tiny pieces.. put the freshly chopped onion in a half bottle of organic sulfate free shampoo . or just sulfate free shampoo. shake it so it mixes and let it sit for a week before using it. the onion will die and create natural sulfer that will increase your hair growth and scalp health. after a week wash your hair with this 2 times a week. you should not wash your hair more then 2 times a week period with any shampoo

HOW TO fix your broken,/weak/dull/ messed up hair _ for all hair types

To take good care of your hair its best to be natural with your hair. dont use heat products, DONT BLEACH IT, dont use scrunchies. dont brush your hair when its wet inless it is smothered in coditioner in the shower. do not wash your hair every day, do not wrip through your hair when you are brushing it. treat it gental as if it is a fine lace.
>>>>> the right way to take care of your hair is to examen it. do you see spilt ends, breaks, does it feel dry. is it breaking, if you pull on a strand in the middle does it break immidently , these are all quick things to check for. once you find your problem its time to fix it.
>>begin with an egg hair pack. apply a couple eggs to your hair let it sit 20 mins cover it with a bag or a cap if you wanna be fancy (heheheeee) and let it sit 20 minutes. wash it out gently with luke warm water . apply your sulfate free shampoo, or organic shampoo gently wash your scalp and gently rinse out th egg.
>>apply your coditioner let it sit 5 minutes gently wash out the conditioner at the scalp let the rest rinse out and down on its own.
>>>>>next you apply a leave in organic or sulfate free leave in coditioner while hair is still damp.
>>>>>> immidently after you apply your leave in coditioner to damp hair apply extra virgin oilve oil lightly over all your hair and scalp. this will seal in all the water from your shower, water is the only single thing that can moisture hair and skin.. everything else just acts as a sealent.
>>>twist your damp hair up in a bun and use a clip to clip it in the front so it stays in place.
>>> go to sleep
.....wake up and stile it as usuall.
it is best to take showers at night so the water and oil has hours to absorb and seal into the hair.

Add raw organic honey in a spray bottle add water mix it. appy to scalp for a scalp treatment for hair loss dandriff hair mites, head fungus, balding. Or apply it all over your hair for a very benificial organic hair spray. adjust the amount of honey you add to your liking for honey hairspray. always apply an organic oil on top of the honey srpitz to seal in the good ness!!

This works for all hair types don't wash your hair every day. No heat. No chemicals. Rinse hair in shower daily with water while still wet apply leave in conditioner. . Over that apply olive oil. Wrap hair in twist bun on the top of your head clip it go to sleep like that no hair ties ever. No brushing wet hair.

Face Masks for Normal Skin

2 tsp of fresh Aloe Vera juice, add 2 tsp of honey and ½ tsp of rose water mix and apply to your face for not more than 20 min. Wash this first with warm and then cold water. : twice a week for 2 months.

Egg Mask
Egg White + lemon juice mix these ingredients and apply on face and neck for 30 minutes, then wash with cold water.Do once in a week.

2 tsp honey + 1 tsp olive oil and do light warm that your skin can bear and apply on your face for 20 minutes and wash your face.

Mash banana + 1 tsp yogurt + 1 tsp honey mix and apply on your face for 15 to 20 minutes and wash with cold water.

1 tsp yogurt adds a little bit of orange juice and apply over the face for 5 minutes. Wash this with water

use warm melting chocolate and a pinch of salt and sugar for my face mask. You see the result after 20 min.

sliced cucumber rubbed on de face.

tomato n lemon juice is excellent for lighten up ur face or body color.

u can use oatmeal with condense milk,,,its good for whitening face,,,leave it 30mins on ur face then rinse ,,

Take cotton ball and dip in milk then massage with cotton on face 15 to 20 minutes after that wash your face with water.

Apply Egg white on face then wash with water.