Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to Remove Stretch Marks....

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks:
Do exercise daily.
Use Vitamin C and Vitamin E in your diet.
Massage with apricot scrub on Stretch marks.
Almond oil + chamomile oil + lavender oil mix and apply on affected area.
Olive oil + Aloe vera gel + 6 Vitamin E oil capsules + + 4 Vitamin A oil capsules mix these all and keep in bottle and apply on affected area.
avocado + sweet almond + jojoba + lavender + chamomile mix all and apply on affected areas.
Coconut oil + coco butter + lemon juice mix then apply directly on marks.
Take some potato pieces and massage on marks. After dry wash.
White sugar + almond oil + lemon juice mix and massage lightly for ten minutes daily.
Massage of Aloe vera on the mark.
Aloe vera gel + vitamin E oil + vitamin A oil mix these and massage on affected areas.
Massage with Lemon on the affected areas.
Cucumber juice + lemon juice mix them and apply on stretch marks.
Massage with Olive oil on the marks then leave this 30 minutes and wash.
Olive oil + water + vinegar mix and use as night cream.


1. 5 Tbsp Salt

2. 1/2 cup of raw natural honey

3. 6 limes or 2 lemons ( the juice avoid seeds)

4. 4 tbsp of Hydrogen Peroxide

5. 1 cup of white vinagar or apple cider vinegar

6. 1/2 cup of baking soda powder

7. A very very corse hard sponge for scrubbing dishes plastic brittle one is best

8. A container with a lid or a large spray bottle like the size of a a clear spraybottle for the bathroom...

9. Coconut oil or extra virgen olive oil or almond oil any natural oil is fine

10.A really thick lotion or diaper rash cream wih vitamin a, d & e and zinc (to calm the itching)

11.Water -



NOTE: EACH BATCH WILL ONLY LAST A WEEK IF YOU DO NOT USE IT ALL DUMP IT OUT AND MAKE A NEW BATCH... do this out side or in your bathroom sink, tub or shower, in case it fizzes all crazy like valeries did looool!!!

~~In a contianer or a spray bottle add your ingrediants in this order, 1/2 cup of baking soda powder 1/2 cup of raw natural honey, 1/2 cup of raw natural honey, Salt, 4 tbsp of Hydrogen Peroxide AND 6 limes or lemons, add water leave room for the 1 cup white vinagar or apple cyder vinagar IT WILL/could BEGIN TO FIZZ let it sit 10 minutes pereferbly in the sun to bind the natural chemicals, (the sun will also activate the lighting properties of each ingrediant).... after all this shake the container or spray bottle to mix all the ingrediants.....~~~ FOR DARK SKIN~~~ ADD LESS INGREDIANTS OF LIME, (4 limes) AND 1/3 cup BAKING SODA, (since your skin is darker too much of the ingrediants will lighten your skin, if you don't care, and want to lighten your skin or dont mind, do the full remedie as it is listed above it will not turn your skin white but will decrease in color 1-2 shades.)



#1.) With your very corse sponge in the shower under (warm water) begin to lightly scrub your effected area IN CIRCLES both directions, AND THEN IN LINES UP-DOWN AND BACK AND FORTH. (this will open the skin deeper causeing micro tares, Increase the scrubbing preasure scrub hard! focus on sections scrubbing thicker stretch marks harder and longer... make sure the skin is really, tingley, red and irritated (i usesally scrub like 7 minutes) right now i'm only focusing on the stretch marks on the front of my stomach, if you focus on too many places the remedie will not work as good because you need to fully be dedicated to the section, and all need a good amount of time "to be loved lol"


#2.) after the shower dry the effected area completely off and apply the new stretch mark remedie i taught you how to make. it will burn from the skin being open from scrubbing it

#3.) leave it on for 2+ hours ( the longer the time you have it on the better) I leave mine on all night long.. it is best to do remedies at night after a shower..

#4.) If you leave it on all night long like me with a blush brush or cotten swab apply a layer of baking soda dust over the remedie, dust off excess... (this will cause it to burn and dry the skin even more and will make it not sticky...

~~NOTE: You will be naturally chemically burning your skin causing it to peal, your stretch marks should become very irritated, inflamed, red, and itchy and look way worse then they normally do!! Durning this week you should notice a difference in the stretch marks durning the day when your not damanging them

#5.) every morning wash off your effected area with water only and immidently apply a really thick cream to the area, apply it through out the day as well.... diaper rash cream wih A&E and ZINC works great to sooth the itch and heal it.

#6.) seal with natural oil


WEEK 2~~~ make a new batch

***NOTE:BY THIS WEEK YOU SHOULD BE REALLY GOOD AND ITCHY, DO NOT ITCH IT WITH YOUR FINGERNAILS FOLLOW #2!!! I was and am still doing the remedie so i still am! some days worse the others.


#2.) now you will begin dry scrubbing the areas in the day with your corse sponge, you will probly enjoy that because your your skin has thickened so scrubbing it will no longer hurt as much and its itchy anyway...

#3.) apply your remedie

#4.) 1 hour later (in the day time) wash it off

#5.) apply your thick cream or diaper rash cream with a&e and zinc

#6.) seal with natural oil


WEEK 3 ~~~ make a new batch


#1 repeat entire process

#2 start dry scrubing with your corse sponge even more often.... i now scrub once in the day the shower...... and before bed ...... some times ill scrub it with the remedie on at night latley ive been washing off the remedie and just sleeping with the diaper rash cream on or my thick cream on because im so itchy!!

That is as far as i have got in the remedie just stick to it and take care of your skin you will see rusults but not while you are still damanging the skin so one day out of the week i just leave my effected area alone apply the creams and the next day i check to see if any changes and start the process all over, this remedie will take time, for some will work very quickly like it did for me, be dedicated and beleive you can get rid of them because the mind its self is a very powerful thing... As i said above this will burn your skin 1-2 layers including the dead skin, it lighten your skin... this will also thicken the skin because your body will be producing more and more skin cells to fight the damage.... your skin will become tighter and bending lines will fade.... while doing the remedie you will have WTF days where you look at it and are like damn that looks horribe lol.... its part of the process :) im looking at mine right now itching and thinking the same thing haha!

week 4~~ let it rest to see some results, the skin will still feel dry and a lil corse to the totch keep applying your moisturizing cream~ if you want to do a dry scrub that fine, or continue on with the remedie thats fine too, right now i'm in week 4 so i would like to see my stomach how it normally would be with out doing the remedie, but its your choice.... i will continue back with it on week 5


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