Thursday, May 15, 2014

Home Remedies for Blackheads

Home Remedies for Blackheads

1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder mix and apply on your blackheads.

Turmeric powder + lemon juice + cinnamon powder and apply on blackheads. Repeat this for 15 days.

Rose water + oatmeal rub this mixture on blackhead area and leave this for 15 minutes. Then wash.

Rose water + almond powder mix rub this paste on  affected areas and leave this for about 15 minutes. Then wash this off.

Lemon juice and 2 tablespoons  honey mix and apply for Blackheads on skin.

Applying of warm honey + sugar for  15 minutes on blackheads and then wash with water.

Lemon juice + groundnut oil mix and apply on Acne and Blackhead..

Apply  fresh mashed tomato on  affected area.

To remove Acne and Blackheads from your  nose and face then apply grape pulp on  face for 15 to 30 minutes.

1 teaspoon  green tea + a little water and mix this. You can use this paste as scrub on skin gently for 2 to 3 minutes. wash with lukewarm water. 

Oatmeal + yogurt mix and apply your skin. 

2 tablespoons  oatmeal + 3 tablespoons yogurt +  lemon juice + olive oil mix these all apply on your face for 5 minutes. 

Cinnamon powder + honey and make a  thick paste. Apply on  affected area before you go for sleep and leave all the night. Next morning, wash face with fresh water.

Cinnamon powder + lime juice + a pinch of turmeric powder make mask shape thick and apply on face for all night and morning time wash.

Cornmeal powder +  your regular facial cleanser. if your pores are open then apply this mixture on face and lightly massage special on nose for blackhead then wash with cold water.


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