Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dark Elbows and Knees

 Elbows and knees cover.

Massage on elbows and knees with oil daily. 

Apply coconut oil or almond oil.

Drink plenty of water.

If you have deep visible lines then your is dry. Apply Vitamin E.

Apply moisturizer on your legs and arms. 

Home Remedies:
 Dip cotton pad in  lemon juice and rub this lightly on  knees and elbows. Leave this for 25 to 30 minutes, then wash with fresh water.

Dip cotton small pad in hydrogen peroxide and apply this on knees and elbows. Repeat 2 times daily.

Vitamin E +  lime juice + glycerin +  milk. Massage with mixture on elbows and knees and leave this for 20 to 25 minutes. Wash off  with  light warm water.

Coconut oil + lemon mix this and apply on elbows and knees for 20 minutes. 

Gramflour +  lime juice mix then apply on elbows and knees and leave for about 20 to 25 minutes.


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